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[…] aus dem Bereich der größten Grassroots-Organisation europäischer Wissenschaftler, Euroscience, findet Ihr hier ein paar kurze Infos über den Relaunch einer Onlineplattform. Der Euroscientist soll einen Beitrag dazu leisten, den Wissenschaftsjournalismus in Richtung „Science Policy Journalism“ weiterzuentwicklen, wobei vor allem die Einbindung der Zivilgesellschaft in den Wissenschaftsdialog ein zentrales Merkmal sein wird. Am heutigen Montag startet hierzu eine europaweite Crowdfundinginitiative.
Zum Auftakt gibt es einen umfangreichen Bericht über die desaströse Situation, mit der eine große Zahl der Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus dem Wissenschaftsjournalismus in Südeuropa kämpfen, seitdem die Regierungen dort unter den Sparzwängen der Wirtschaftskrise die Wissenschaft aufs Korn genommen haben.
Für Anregungen und Fragen könnt Ihr Euch an die Chefredakteurin wenden, Sabine Louët: editor(bei) Außerdem findet Ihr Euroscience bei Twitter und Facebook. Eine erweiterte Version des Magazins läuft auf der Plattform Noowit.
Konzept des Webzines
Traditional institutional communication about research in Europe is limited in its scope. Compared to the mere popularisation or dissemination of scientific results, we will convey just as much the processes of knowledge creation, the actual routines and ordinary challenges in research practise. We will increasingly focus on initiating and moderating societal dialogues on scientific issues. The webzine will critically reflect the structures, mechanisms, policies, and funding schemes of research in order to increase transparency, and contribute to the necessary change processes in academia.
The Euroscientist will explicitly give some of the editorial control back to its readers and experiment with new journalistic approaches, such as crowdsourcing editorial content, as well as content syndication, and content curation. Compared to traditional media categories like „education“, „science“, or „technology“ we will move towards a more topic-driven structure in order to better meet the expectations of lay audiences, and cater to the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of European research. Such topics could be for instance research funding issues, academic lifestyle, career obstacles for young scientists, public engagement, citizen science, science and risks, science for policy, knowledge and technology transfer, etc.
Austerity has taken its toll on European research and has disturbed its cycles. Particularly affected are scientists from Southern Europe. The Euroscientist magazine – the first pan-European magazine for scientists and by scientists published by Euroscience – brings citizen journalism to the science community. In its latest Special Issue, the Euroscientist shares testimonies from scientists in Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal confronted to austerity.
The Euroscientist brings an analysis of the impact of such conditions on scientists who stayed and on those who were forced to emigrate. This issue also presents testimonies of researchers sharing their experience of navigating the troubled waters of recession, when it comes to maintaining a seemingly steady research career path.
Problems identified in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece underlined the vital need to develop a public debate, beyond Southern European borders. This is the goal of this special issue: to focus the wider European science community’s attention on how to solve research issues across Europe.
Through this citizen initiative, the Euroscientist invites scientists from across Europe, and beyond, to share their views on what needs to change in science policy, both at national and European levels.
Scientists are welcome to express their opinion on whether they believe we need to revisit the fundamental basis of research, its objectives, its funding schemes, or even to find ways to ring-fence scientists’ time for research? It is only by sharing scientists’ views that voices from the bench will be heard by decision makers at national and European levels.
The Special Issue is available under
About the Euroscientist
The Euroscientist ( publishes articles, opinions, expert perspectives and curated content on a variety of topics and issues affecting scientists in Europe. These include science policy, funding, careers, innovation, and science in and for society. Its vision is to ensure that the Euroscientist reflects, in an independent manner, the diversity of voices of the science community on matters related to European research. The Euroscientist’s motto: „European science conversations by the community, for the community.“
It is a participatory magazine designed to allow members of the European science community to share opinions and perspectives on current issues. It also aims, to a large extend, at sharing contributions from community members with their peers as a means to furthering the debate on topical issues.
The Euroscientist is the journal of Euroscience (, the European grassroots organisation of scientists across disciplines and countries. Euroscience President, Prof. Lauritz Holm-Nielsen, and its Secretary General, Dr. Peter Tindemans, together with the Euroscientist Editorial Board, chaired by Alex Gerber, guarantee the independence of the Euroscientist. The magazine ideally complements the biennial Euroscience Open Forum ESOF (, where scientists meet and share views and reach out to policymakers, industry, and the media.
Please help us stimulate the debate around research in Europe further by supporting the Euroscientist (
The next ESOF is taking place in Copenhagen from 21 – 26 June, 2014:
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