Frauenpower auf dem German Testing Day 2023

Konferenz: Mehr Frauen gefragt

Wann? 23. und 24. Mai 2023
Wo? Frankfurt am Main


„Mehr Frauen im Testing“: Ein Ziel, das immer bedeutsamer geworden ist; dies war auch bei der Programmerstellung durch das Conference Board ein wichtiger Faktor.

Neue Werkzeuge der Testselektion

Silke Reimer

Das Orga-Team freut sich sehr auf diesen Vortrag, der zeigt, wie Silke Reimer und ihr Team in Zusammenarbeit mit der TU München neue Werkzeuge zur Testselektion entwickelt haben. Diese sorgen explizit dafür, dass nur relevante Testfälle ausgeführt werden.

How to get Feedback when your customers are your colleagues?

Ada Pohl

Imagine working on a product whose customers are your colleagues. How would you go about getting and using their feedback? How would you support them and troubleshoot occurring problems?

In most cases, an application’s customers are either far away or so big in number that they are but a fuzzy concept for those developing that application. Thus, we create customer journeys and profiles.

But could you benefit from easily reachable customers? What methods could you use in that case? And how can a Quality Specialist use feedback to identify and drive product improvements, or prioritize the testing of an application? This talks shares experiences from a current project, where the work is done in close collaboration with the users – the colleagues.

Heißes Eisen: You don’t talk about that at work

Sophie Küster

I’m not right in the head. I’ve been struggling with depression, anxiety, and other brain weasels since I was young. I used to think that in my professional life I’d have hide this part of me, and if anyone found out, that would be the end of anyone ever taking me seriously – if not my entire career. So, I kept my mouth firmly shut about it. Until one day I didn’t.

I’d like to tell you the story of how I started talking about mental health, even in the workplace, and what I learned from it about openness, courage, and kindness, and what Ben Franklin and oxygen masks have to do with it.

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